Care of Your Swords of Light |
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How to Care for Your Swords of Light

Selenite Swords of Light Care Instructions

  1. The main rule for care of your new Selenite Sword of Light is to never drop it on the ground or hit it against the wall or against another sword. Selenite like any other crystal is brittle and can be broken if it is hit. Also if you have two swords be careful not to bang them together as that can break them. A number of people have been sleeping with their selenite sword of light which is great, but you need to be careful to know where the sword is located do not allow it to get into the blanket or sheets that then can be tossed out when you get out of bed.
    1. Take the attitude that you are not going to drop your selenite sword of light. With that attitude you can maintain your awareness while working with the energy. Focus and Presence is the key, knowing where your sword is located in space is very important. I have swords that I made 11 years ago that are still in good condition.
  2. The second rule is to package your sword correctly when traveling and use the black and white hard plastic protection that the sword comes with. DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY . You can make a cover for the hard plastic but keep it as it will protect your Sword. Some people have made cases for the sword that add additional protection. Some have bought aluminum cases to transport their swords in. Remember that you cannot walk on the airplane with your sword in your bag. There is no problem it with checked luggage I have taken many swords in my suitcases for years.
  3. The selenite swords of light do not need a lot of sunlight. They do like the moonlight and can be placed in the moon light during special times. This will charge up the sword with additional energy. The selenite swords of light are named after the goddess of the moon Selene.
  4. The selenite swords of light do not need to be cleaned energetically. Never place your sword in the ocean. You can wipe the sword off with water if it gets dirty. Never bury the sword in the ground. Because selenite has the qualities that it is connected to the fifth dimension and above it does not collect any type of non-beneficial energies from your clients or people that you may work on family or friends. The sword can be used to clear all of your other crystals very quickly by taking the sword to the crystal you want to clear or clean and moving it in circular manner and you can add in some sound for even faster results. You can then check the crystal that your cleaning with your pendulum to see if it’s clear. Quartz crystals are designed to collect etheric negativity and some types of quartz needs to be cleared occasionally.
  5. Each selenite sword of light is made by hand by selenite sword maker Tom Ledder. Each sword has within the handle sacred water from over 90 locations around the world like mother Mary’s spring, Mount Fuji, Mount Shasta, Tipon the water Temple in Peru, the sacred wells and springs in England and Ireland and many others. Over 400 sacred pictures in the handle of each sword. Also within the handle is a mixture of over 425 power crystals that are crushed into a fine powder mixed with selenite powder in an Epoxy mixture. This creates a powerful synergetic effect combining the sacred waters the power crystals and the selenite projecting and multiplying their capabilities. This mixture is called the Crystalline Collective Consciousness.

If you care for your selenite sword of light it will last many years with no problems, it is an energy tool of divine design. If you do damage your sword by chance you can send me a picture at or text to 970-227-1198. I can repair almost any type of damage or it is even possible to replace the blade of the sword. There is a cost for repairing the sword


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 What Our Customers Say

Zoom Workshops "Light Worker Training" I’m finding that the Swords are extremely useful and I brought them to the mediumship workshops and let students try them but also in a Channeling workshop for holding the space so that people can allow spirit to come through. So they really helps me hold space 

 Now I see how they’re going to work perfectly in clearing past life issues much faster than the 21 day process, this will be better much more effective, so I’m very happy to be taking this course . 

 Beth, Canada

 “This is my 2nd time doing the class and i can’t tell you just how much i’m enjoying it!”  Linda 

The Swords are part of my life now.. it’s really good!

People are loving the swords i’m working every week with them 

4th time returning participant 


It serves to continually activate all the crystal energies present. For the last 16 years i’ve been taking lots of different class and getting certifications ..figuring out how to make the transition from corporate to healing world. I’ve i’ve been working on trying to get all these puzzle pieces together for a while and with yesterday in this amazing class and these amazing Swords I am ready to STEP RIGHT OUT!!  Jane 

 “My friend had these Swords and I was immediately drawn to them.

This is my first class and I’m really impressed with how much i’ve learned and the power that i feel within them 

You two are fantastic to teach us all this way”  Sandra 

The perfect healing tool.First I would like to thank Tom because his craftsmanship is Amazing! Not only do these Sword look Beautiful but are very Powerful when used in Healing Sessions. I have been doing energetic healing work over 20 years and I must say the Selenite Sword is a Great addition to my healing practice. I  worked on a client during this one session and I felt this Very Loving Energy Come over me…I distinctly heard a telepathic voice in my head…it was a woman’s voice, which was very calming and soothing. The voice said she was Atlantis…I was very curious at this point and asked the voice through my own thoughts, “What is your Name?” The woman’s response was a playful laugh and she said “You don’t know who I am? Just look at your Sword!” At that moment it dawn on me that I was speaking to an ancient Egyptian Goddess!!! - Abdul  Wilkins